So yeah, I'm definitely more settled at my apartment now. There are still boxes all over the place, but we're living now. School will be over soon, in June! How about that. 12 years of mandatory education will be over! I actually like school for the most part, yes, how geeky, but it's true. I'm a believer of taking the best out of any situation and many kids don't seem to appreciate what school has to offer....yes, I know the school system sucks but it still has a lot of opportunities and potential blah blah. And speaking of education, I'm in the middle of Advanced Placement testing week (APs)....aka hell for many students! I'm in four this year, two are completed and two more to go. When I'm not studying all night and doing homework, I'm attempting eating and sleeping; things I haven't been doing much of for the past three months.
Ohh man I'm really looking forward to the beach and the pool and friends and taking walks and sleeping this summer!!